
My name is Daniel Ruxton. I am a full stack developer who has worked in the industry as both a hobbyist and developer for over 10 years now. Below is a breakdown of the technologies i have greatly used over the past few years and am well versed in. If you’d like any more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.


2017 – Present: I currently work as the sole developer for a large wholesale and retail company called ek Wholesale. I build in-house software, websites, scripts and offer technical advice for all managers and directors in order to further the reach of the company and strive to take advantage of the latest technologies in order to ease our day to day processes.

As well as this, i am also responsible for a large portion of our marketing setup and deployment including the design and development of our social media posts, emails and even brochures.

My expertise in a lot of technologies stems from the work i’ve put in place for everyone here. I’ve used my time here to keep myself and our systems up to date with modern practices to make it easier for everyone.

Occasionally, i will take on other odd jobs at the weekends from People Per Hour in order to keep myself sharp.

2014-2017: I worked as a freelance developer that worked on a range of projects that came up. Through this i’ve come to know most CMS technologies quite intimately. I’ve built full blown websites, standalone pages and even just markups for emails based on designs from other people.

Prior to 2014: I went to college and have two qualifications in Interactive Multimedia Design.

Technical Breakdown

Languages: PHP, HTML, SaaS, Javascript(ES6), Bash, SQL, Liquid

Frameworks: ReactJs, Laravel, Express, Electron

CMS: WordPress, Joomla, Graphite, Shopify, Wix

Systems: Ubuntu, Raspbian, Windows

Databases: SQlite, MySQL, PostgresQL

Networking: VPS Setup, Docker Deployment, Websockets, JSON or XML API’s.

Marketting: Mailchimp, Beepro, Facebook Business Manager, Buffer

Tools: Trello, Slack, Discord, Github, CircleCi, VSCode, Insomnia, Photoshop, Illustrator, Package managers and more.